Tuesday 4 February 2014

Cloud BI – Tops the list of the Business Intelligence Trend for 2014

Cloud computing is set to dominate the IT trend this year because of three main reasons:

1. Availability
2. Cost efficiency and
3. Flexibility

When it comes to Business Intelligence tool these three factors plays a vital role. Cloud BI applications continue to gain popularity among companies of all sizes as they seek to optimize efficiency and effectiveness and gain a competitive edge. Cloud Business Intelligence (BI) applications are simply BI applications hosted on the internet. They provide organizations with easy access to BI-related data such as dashboards, KPIs and other business analytics.

PsiberTech’s Cloud Business Intelligence application “purple” allows managers, decision makers and end-users to analyze the data visually thereby providing them an overview of their business performance and trends instantly.

Cloud BI “purple “application offers some significant advantages over on premise BI applications:

Ease of use:  
End users can setup and access it in no time.

Deployment speed:
Deployment and updates require no additional hardware or software installations.

Scalability and elasticity:
It can be easily scaled to support big or small organizations

It can be accessed using any web browser from any mobile devices.

Cost efficiency:
One of the greatest advantages of Cloud BI “purple” are cost savings and reduced capital commitment. In the cloud, the software and system upgrades are done almost in near real-time.  This means that the users can focus completely on data consumption and analysis, getting the most from BI without having to deal with the infrastructure.

Click here to find out how cloud BI “purple” can help your business.

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