Thursday 18 September 2014

10 Tools Mobile App Developers must know

You have an idea for an App , great! May be it is flappy, business oriented or the one that revolutionise the landscape of social media. While you are the best apps developer ( I am sure you are!) , from time to time you will fall into the disruptive nature of evolving landscape of Apps development. Everything old is new again, smaller screens are becoming bigger ones, battery life and interrupted connectivity can all make a big difference in the way your app is consumed. But don't worry,  the good news is that mobile web isn't really much different from web tools . This article will help you get started with 10 high level tools for helping the brilliant innovation that you intend in to well done mobile app.
1. PhoneGap is a free and open source framework that allows you to create mobile apps using standardized web APIs for the platforms you care about.

 2. Developers If you're creating an app for Android, this developer style guide will answer any questions you may have about app development

3.RhoMobile offers Rhodes, which is an open-source framework based on Ruby. This permits the developer to create native apps, spanning over a stunning range of OS’ and smartphones.

4. AppGyver Scanner is a pre-compiled PhoneGap companion app for Steroids. It dynamically delivers HTML5 project assets to your device as you make changes to your code.

5.WidgetPad is a collaborative, open-source environment for development of smartphone apps.

6. IOS style guide If you're making an app for iOS, Look here for set of guidelines available for you to study before getting started.

7. MoSync is  FOSS multi-platform mobile app dev SDK tool and is based on standard web programming.

8.Intel XDK is a Chrome extension which knits together the editor with a simulator for testing the project right away in the browser.

9.Appscend offers cloud-based development of content-centric apps using an XML markup language and/or PHP.

10.Telerik is browser-based tool that lets you build, test, and ship HTML5 apps for iOS or Android. The building and testing is done in your browser, but the shipping is done with a version of the Apache Cordova library.

Okay, While I want to put some more tools in this list, I would like to stop and let this firehose of information sink in. The truth is there are plenty if tools and you have to find what works best for you, and I am sure this list will help you get started. So what are the other tools that you are using that I should know about ? please leave it in the comments. If you like to know more about what we do in PsiberTech, visit here and Hey, thanks for dropping by.

Srivatsan Aravamudan

Srivatsan Aravamudan

Design and Communication

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