Thursday 6 November 2014

How to survive the Javascript Framework Explosion ?

If you are overwhelmed by the sheer number of Javascript libraries, let me assure this - You are not the only one. The JavaScript community has been going through hell of a renaissance over the last few years, with new frameworks that push technology forwards. Innovative browsers and rapidly changing ECMAScript specification are the two main elements of this explosion. So how do we keep up ?

The answer is simple : You dont have to! enthusists will keep developing something to put thier name on. Soon everyname.js will be just a common thing, like the aisle full of different milk cartons you see in the supermarket. It doesnot really matter, the cream rises to the top, like Angular.JS, Backbone.JS or Ember.JS etc. But this list of stable, proven and awesome frameworks continue to grow each week. So if you are building an exciting new application and need help with criteria to choose the best framework, here you go.

1. Has the framework proved itself?

This perhaps the first and foremost question to ask for. Which are the major applications that use this framework? like backbone which has been used in Soundcloud / LinkedIn. This should give you the idea of what can be built with this framework.

2. Is it flexible ?

Although variety of frameworks provide options that are flexible, you have to find out whether the particular framework in question is flexible enough and and doesnot push you to only work "in its defined way"

3. Community and Documentation

The first place we turn to, after choosing the framework is to figure out those small yet annoying issues using documentation and forums. Make sure the framework you choose has the good support from developer community, forums and comprehensive set of documentation for self discovery.

You might want to look at this video "Code Sketch Before Choosing a JavaScript Framework" 

Also look at this video to choose the right framework for mobile web apps.

You may also want to see this post  Angular.js vs Ember.js : The perfect fit for Javascript Framework

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Thanks for stopping by and Have a great day !

Srivatsan Aravamudan
Srivatsan Aravamudan

Public Relations and Social Media Manager

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