Thursday 20 November 2014

Blurred lines : B2B and B2C mobile apps

Blurring lines between B2B and B2C apps and ideas for mobile apps for B2B companies 

Shopping for apps was never a thing with common man a decade ago. Now mobile apps are the trend. Forecasts suggest that number of mobile users will overcome the number of people living on the earth. Smart phones have become identity of common man and that of business transactions.

The mobile apps with respect to functionality and intended audience, divided into two groups, B2C and B2B.  Content generation, Viewing the content and sharing content are called B2C apps which act independently and deal with contents directly. Whereas the B2B apps deal with automating business processes, like information gathering, data processing, response generating and results evaluation( like trends and graphs) etc. 

The trend in apps development has blurred the lines between Business to Consumer and Business to Business. This is mainly due to the simple fact that Business people are also consumers using other mobile apps and demands greater UI, performance and scalability. The simple example is newspapers which have gone on line then into mobile apps. The contents are gathered via the same apps, stored and retrieved for the consumers. Business to Employees apps are starting to look more like Business to consumer apps for the same reasons mentioned above.

Apple designed B2B App store to accommodate volume licensing so big corporations can buy multiple copies of an application and distribute to the employees. It meant that companies had greater control over the apps the employees can use. It also meant that companies can create B2E / B2B applications specifically to increase the productivity within the organisation and its vendors. 

If you are a B2B company, you might be in a crossroads of coming up with ideas of for such blurred line apps. So here are the top 5 ideas for your B2B apps.

1. Security apps: Security can never go out of fashion especially with companies that has transactions with both vendors and customers using same channels. So the apps can create audit trails and find security breach and even inform your local IT team about it. 

2. Networking apps: There are loads of networking apps that are available in the market for personal dating and interests. Why not create an app that find the prospects and customers and which are "location aware" and can help them network in the specific industry.

3.Formulae apps : Daily business transactions requires a lot of calculations at the data processing level, why not automate the formulae that can help in calculations like money conversations, or profit margins etc.

4. Supply Chain apps: Let your employees contact the supplier through a photograph of bar code that needs to be restocked. It can get to as easy as that and with right security measures in place can solve lot of time for the people involved.

These are just few ideas but the possibilities are limitless. If you like to know the advantages of investing in HTML5 B2B applications - get in touch with us. Please take a look at the 15 tools that can save time for the developers of HTML5 . You might want to look at this post for free templates to B2B companies. Let us know what you think of this article, and if you like to read awesome posts like this, please subscribe to our newsletter in our website.

Thanks for stopping by and Have a great day !

Srivatsan Aravamudan
Srivatsan Aravamudan

Public Relations and Social Media Manager

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