Wednesday 17 December 2014

The Curious Case of Lotus Notes to Sharepoint Migration

Lotus Notes to Sharepoint Migration

Lotus notes is one of the most popular software platform of yesteryear. It has seamlessly integrated messaging and web application software platform providing a robust environment for creating web apps of workflow & RDBMS connectivity. Unfortunately the legacy platform couldn't adapt to changing environment and evolving needs. 

While the cloud system and application development technology have expanded its realms, they cannot deliver business innovation in isolation. Existing workflow must be streamlined, accommodated and integrated. So Lotus Notes migration has become inevitable exercise to many organisations in recent times.

Migrating Lotus notes to Microsoft Technology has three different areas:

  • Notes Mail to Exchange
  • Domino Directory to Active Directory  &
  • Notes to Sharepoint .NET Application Migration.

Application Migration in particular has the bigger challenge while compared to the rest of the transitioning. Some of the migration tools available in the market are:  

Microsoft Transporter Suite
Helps in Migrating content from Lotus Domino servers to Generic POP/IMAP servers. 
Notes Migrator -Quest Software : 
One of the much sought after hassle free tool
DocAve Lotus Notes Migrator from AvePoint, Inc : 
Have some great free tool to discover, scope and plan your migration.
VisiMigrate from Visionet Systems
Visimigrate Lite tool provides a thin client based solution for Standard Lotus Notes content over the web.

There are a lot more tools available in the market and recommendation of a particular tool depends on the specific need. Microsoft tool is free, while the rest of the tools have a license cost and support options that comes with it. Some tools claims ability to migrate Forms and Code, Please evaluate before making the decision.  The base reality is that you can only migrate the data out of the database so:

  1. If the application can be mapped to a list of template in Sharepoint, You can get all the interface elements and features out of the sharepoint. The rest of the small customisations require less effort and manageable.
  2. If application needs custom Info path form, ASP.NET form, or complex workflows then these elements needs to be custom developed and efforts required would be substantial.
Whatever you choose to do interface would be radically different although the fields and data would be the same. Its important to engage the right consultant to help you pre plan, Analyse, Design, Establish the New Architecture, Build, Test and deploy the new environment with reduced effort and disruption to users. Contact us to know more about Lotus Notes Migration and how it  can benefit your organisation. Thanks for dropping by and Have a fantastic day!

Srivatsan Aravamudan

Srivatsan Aravamudan

Design and Communication

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